Shoes that are required for sprinting events

special shoes for sprinting events only

  1. This image shows spikes which is a certain type of running show for sprinting on the track.
  2. This image is intresting because these shoes can only be used on the track itself.
  3. This image is a PNG file
  4. This PNG file develops faster than the GIF format

This is where the events take place

A track where people run
  1. This image shows where the events actually take place which is a track made of rubber
  2. This image is intresting because a lot of people don't actually know that tracks are made out of rubber.
  3. this is a JPG file
  4. This JPG file is universally the best for photos

This is one of the events called long jump

this event is where people jump in sand
  • 1-This image shows a man jumping in the sand which is an event called Long Jump
  • 2-This image is intresting because you can see how high up they really have to jump
  • 3-This is a GIF file
  • This GIF file is best for file compression and transparency